Wearables in the Warehouse?

Great read from Manufacturing Business Technology. A couple of questions come to mind after reading this article: What is the tipping point where technology costs decrease for many small and medium companies adopt this technology? The article cites $1500 as the cost per each Google Glass. Will the pick efficiency and real-time pricing/promotion possibilities makeContinue reading “Wearables in the Warehouse?”

E-commerce driving DC need for mobile technology – Article from Modern Materials Handling

According to this highly informative article, picking errors resulted in an average cost globally of $59 per incident! Avoid the high cost of product shipment errors and the immeasurable cost of customer dissatisfaction by using high quality labels, ribbons and replacement heads from StickyPaper. Contact us for all your labeling needs. Source: E-commerce driving DCContinue reading “E-commerce driving DC need for mobile technology – Article from Modern Materials Handling”